Re-Bath Rip-off Re-Bath Complaint
Being fair minded people of reasonable intelligence, we were appalled at the actions and inactions taken when we contracted with a national remodeling
company, (Re-Bath of California franchise) for a one day shower make over. As it turns out, not only is the franchise a dishonest company to deal with,
the corporate parent is just as bad. In an effort to protect other potential victims of this company's scams, we will chronicle our experience.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Unbelieveable! We Are Still Being Harrased By The Jerk(s) From Re-Bath Afterr All these Years!
This jerk who either is, or is pretending to be, Lloyd Summy is proving to be quite an entertaining yet obviously unstable pathological liar, or worse,
true psycho stalker type in our opinion. He is now sending repeated comments under "Anonymous" after originally using "his name" of Lloyd Summy.
Why would the "father" of the cheating manager of a crappy Re-Bath franchise expend so much effort to hound a past Ripped-Off customer?
It is beyond us.
Is it part of the Re-Bath How to screw the customer handbook?
Plus, we never dealt or even so much as spoke with this moron. We did have to contend with his lying cheating (possibly mentally challenged) son Randy, and that was
distasteful enough to say the leaast. Like walking through a shit field and not being able to scrape the shit off later. (Seems like we missed a piece too...)
But it does illustrate yet one more reason to steer clear of Re-Bath and the sleazy jerks that operate the franchises. We thought we were done with this nightmare,
but this vindictive jerk is still hounding us HOW MANY YEARS LATER!? Good grief! What does that tell you?
We will not be posting the tripe this jerk continues to vomit up at us, but we are saving it for our protection.
And since we know you are reading this you friggin' moron "Lloyd Summy". Back off and leave us alone. Go away and go to HELL!
Posted by HelpfulHal at 9:48 AM
Friday, March 26, 2010
Someone claiming to be the daddy (Lloyd Summey) of the little weasel manager of the Long Beach Re-Bath, Randy Summey, is contacting us claiming he is a
"board certified behavioral analyst".
Unfortunately the idiot can't even spell his made up profession correctly.
Whether it truly is who he claims he is doubtful since the message is full of the same babbling tripe as several earlier efforts they made. It's probably the little weasel
himself. Wonder if daddy knows his brat is dragging his name though the mud? From what we learned, the nut falls not far from the tree so it's a moot point.
What a bunch of childish vindictive thieves. Not satisfied with ripping off customers, they take their cheating to a personal level of harassment.
Are these the kinds of people you would want to do any kind of business with?
Again we have to say it, Shame on Re-Bath and Shame on the Summeys.
Posted by HelpfulHal at 3:40 PM
Thursday, February 11, 2010
This Is Quite A Laundry List, A Dirty Laundry List. Shame On Re-Bath For Being Such Liars.
1st she said that Mark spent 30 minutes discussing the position of the door, that is a HUGE LIE, he showed me by holding it up in the middle and said "this is where
it will go" Nothing more!! I agreed to it. Then he put it in a different spot!
2nd Jennifer said I said ok to the spot because of the door costs $1.12 let's be serious, all I wanted was the shower to be done correctly.
3rd Jennifer stated that I signed off, yes I did only after complaining about the door position to mark! It was 11pm and he said nothing could be done!
4th she said I called back 2 weeks later it was only 7 days and we buried my Dad in the middle of it.
5th she said I told someone I was delighted, I have never used that word to describe this mess. I said it was fine and wrote an email because Matt pushed for it to
end the photo op!
6th she said I wanted it moved because I wanted to gain a half inch, what I said is it looks wrong and is the exact opposite of what we had and hated!
7th she said she met with the installers and managers to discuss this; she was on the phone with me the whole time in one call. She talked to only me.
8th she said I was given an opportunity to have doors installed this way when the job was originally done, and that I opted to follow our standard procedure of
leaving the entry door frame intact and moving the door 1/2" on threshold That was never said to me never offered to me and I told them the moment
I saw it off centered. It was 1/8 of an inch from the inside of the shower....see photos.
9th She said she explained that Re-Bath would move the door, against their better judgment, but that she would have to pay for that service and understand the
charges would be needed to cover the added labor and the risks that would ensue. She said I agreed to a $175.00 fee for this service. This is not what
was said to me by any stretch, she complained that the door might break and that was her only concern. She asked for the money and I explained it was
not my fault that it was installed correctly. I talked while she yelled and finally she agreed to do it right!
10th Jennifer wrote When the installer arrived, Ms. Tuccelli stated she understood she would be charged, allowed him to perform the work, but then refused to
pay when it was completed I was told it would be $175 at the start yes, but I did not say a word I walked away and let him fix it. I had not agreed to
pay anything and had no intention to pay more to have it done right.
11th Jennifer said, Two weeks later the doors did in fact begin to leak, which was my exact concern from the start. It was 7 days again, and it was not her
concern she was afraid of it breaking.
I am blown away at the lies this woman tells and how she is trying to make it look like it was something we did wrong and not her.
Posted by HelpfulHal at 10:16 AM
Monday, February 8, 2010
The BBB Is Not Your Ally, They Just Want The Money From The Businesses And Will Not Really Help Consumers
Friday November 6 2009 I received a letter from the BBB and Jennifer flat out lied thru the whole rebuttal that she posted to them. (Wow, the exact
same thing happened when we filed a complaint with the BBB. The Re-Bath franchise owner lied about everything, even made up a few juicy libelous bits...Hmm,
maybe it was slanderous when the little weasel told it to the person at the BBB. Slander, libel, regular conversation for Re-Bath agents... -Hal)
I made a copy.
Posted by HelpfulHal at 1:06 PM
Friday, February 5, 2010
Amazing How Difficult It Is To Get Hold Of These Cheating Liars Isn't It? Customer Dis-Service!
11:02 am on October 24, 2009, I am really upset that they charged me, even though it was not the original deal she made with me and then hung it over our heads to
fix the leak. (Is that extortion?-Hal)
That woman is a liar and a cheat!
I sent an email with this whole story to Matt at his email and tried to see if she gets it, I do not know her email address I guessed
since Matt's was, I figured I would try.
I want her to see just what we went thru during our Re-Bath experience.
(Sadly we think she is aware, standard operating procedures and all...-Hal)
I also made a copy of this story and I am mailing it to
Re-Bath LLC 421 W Alameda Dr, Tempe AZ 85282. I got that address from the Re-bath site.
I also sent it to at 11:16 and to at 11:31 which I got from the BBB. I also filled out a complaint to the BBB.
October 24, 2009 At 12:01 I received this
This is an automatically generated Delivery Status Notification.
Delivery to the following recipients was aborted after 1 second(s):
Posted by HelpfulHal at 12:11 PM
Thursday, February 4, 2010
How Difficult Can It Be To Do A Job Correctly, Especially For What They Charge?
October 24th 8:40am Kevin arrived, he was polite and nice to deal with, I showed him the leak and he and I poured water on the suspected spot where it
was leaking into and out of, and the water came thru.
A small one inch strip that leaked.
So he is now putting the silicone on the spot.
At 9:02am Kevin finished, he said not to shower in there for three hours to let it dry. He said there should not be any problems now, and if there is to just give them a call.
(Yeah, we've heard that before!-Hal)
I said thanks and joked that the one inch hole cost me $175.00 he said yeah I know sorry.
He said that should be the last of it. I thanked him and he left.
Posted by HelpfulHal at 10:53 AM
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Honesty And Re-Bath-Opposite Ends Of The Spectrum...
October 28th 2009, at 11:35am, I opened my email and I received an email from Jennifer.
It is dated Monday at 3:29pm I am disappointed at the response. I saved it.
I sent a reply at 12:04pm with the shining examples of her honest business.
October 28th at 2:21pm, I received a call from Re-Bath headquarters from Amy.
She told me she received my email and was very sorry, she told me she would "feel the EXACT SAME WAY AS I DO".
She said they are taking actions. (Yeah, but for or against the customer?-Hal)
I explained I felt the $175.00 that I was strong armed into paying was not right and she agreed. We talked about it and she said to call her if I needed to for
anything and that she would handle this. She gave me her phone number 480-844-2596.
I told her I reported this to the BBB and she said she understood how I felt and agreed that I should NOT have paid more to have it corrected.
She gave me the address of to send the replies from Jennifer, I sent them all.
Posted by HelpfulHal at 12:18 PM