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ReBath of Colorado Springs Sucks!

ReBath In General Sucks!

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Posted December 6, 2014 - content has not been altered. This is an excerpt from this page of many complaints about Re-Bath.

Andrea of Boise, Idaho on September 19, 2012

A Re-Bath salesman came to our home and used high-pressure and highly manipulative techniques to try to get my husband and me to commit to their offer the night of the estimate. The presentation took 2.5 hours and clearly was not altered at all, even though we were trying to hold/entertain a 2-year-old who we had to keep up past her bedtime because the guy just kept going on and on. Most of this presentation was spent watching a PowerPoint of information I already knew about the company from researching them on the internet.

From the beginning, the salesman seemed more interested in interrogating us over other options we were considering and giving me his opinion that other remodeling companies we had received bids for (and we didn't give him names of companies because that felt awkward) were not trustworthy or respectful because they were taking a couple days between taking the measurements and the final bids. He asked me, "How does that make you feel that they didn't respect your time enough to give you a number?" I thought to myself that it doesn't bother me that a company understands that remodeling a historic 1947 home's bathroom requires a little more thought than taking measurements of surface materials and plugging it into a 10-cell pricing chart (like Re-Bath did), and it definitely isn't good business practice to make a major home improvement decision without investigating a few different options.

The salesman wasted so much of the presentation trying to badmouth who he assumed was bidding on our remodel. I finally just said that I'd prefer to focus on what Re-Bath had to offer. It was clear to me from the salesman's behavior he must have received some extra incentive for signing a person up the day of the presentation. He was clearly angry with me when I told him we would be taking a week to look at all of our options before making a decision. He actually said, "So, you've just been wasting my time then?" Additionally, I can say that while these look like good quality imitations of stone/tile work, it is not worth paying over double the cost of even higher-end tile/grout systems. (Re-Bath bid us $8,400 for just the shower.) Re-bath materials have less resale value regardless of what a Re-Bath salesman thinks of these products and when most people end up staying in their home for 10 years or less. This isn't smart investing, and in the end, that is what you are doing every time you improve your home.

On a final note, while I am not LDS, I found the following conversation that occurred at the very beginning of the meeting unprofessional and offensive. The salesman and his "trainee" were talking to us about our daughter and baby on the way. Making conversation, I asked each of them about their kids and the trainee said he had five children. The head salesman then added something like,"Yeah, he used to be LDS and you know how that goes," giving me eyebrows. Now, I realize that this guy has noticed we have a wine rack in our living room and a coffee pot in our kitchen, and made an assumption we are not LDS/mormon, and now is making a comment to me about a religious stereotype? Not appropriate and I wish I had ended the presentation right then since this was my first red flag of many - seriously, too many to list out here!

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Welcome To ReBath Sucks Central!

ReBath In General Sucks!

Click Here for a list of ReBath Store Locations. We can't say that other offices are as pathetic as ReBath of Colorado Springs and the sites listed in the complaints but we sure do wonder. Based upon the attitude of Re-Bath Corporate, we would expect they all are as incompetent as Re-Bath Colorado Springs. Possibly worse. But we don't know. Use them at your own risk.


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