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The term "unqualified hack" belongs to shhIT. We never said it about David Rosenblum but we agree with it.
shhIT states that "...the lawyer did what the client wanted." But there is something in the Code of Ethics for Lawyers, we will pause here while you laugh your ass off, and in the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, that state that a lawyer has a duty to investigate the facts of a complaint BEFORE signing his/her name to a document. What makes David Rosenblum an "unqualified hack" is twofold. Before signing his name he should have known that what he was claiming was bogus and that the letter had no legal effect because the threat was false. Also, if David Rosenblum was not familiar with that area of law, he had an obligation to either become familiar with the law before writing the letter or to refer his client to another attorney. Any competent attorney would have known that non-commercial use of someone's trademark, such as our use, is not trademark infringement. He accepted his assignment because the fee was more important to him than professional ethics. shhIT's defense of David Rosenblum makes us suspicious as to the identity of shhIT. |