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ReBath In General Sucks!
Welcome To ReBath Sucks Central!
Last Updated December 3, 2014
How Can You Fight Back? Con artists are bullies. Gifted in the art of talking you out of your money and giving you little in return. But, as hopeless as it may seem, you, the consumer, can fight back without going bankrupt. But it takes time and effort. And we will show you how.Con artists seem to be attracted to scams where they get their money up front. A 50% down payment is a great start for something they do not intend to deliver. Then, when the client complains, the con artist threatens court or other possible legal sanctions. Bear in mind, courts do not dispense justice but rather courts enforce the law. Emotional pleas for truth, justice and the American Way, must be supported by facts and documented. In our opinion, based upon our experience and the complaints we have seen, Re-Bath Corporate will not intervene in a contractual dispute between a local office and a consumer despite the on-going accumulation of complaints that seem to indicate what is evolving into a nationwide home improvement scam revolving around Re-Bath. . In August 2014, Mike and Donna, of Milton, Florida, signed a contract with Emerald Coast Baths, DBA Re-Bath of Panama City, Florida. As it seems, consistent with many, many other complaints concerning Re-Bath office locations, Re-Bath of Panama City did not do the work for which Mike and Donna contracted. They did part of the work and then demanded the balance due. SURPRISE! Who would have expected that? That is not what was in the contract. But in an interesting plot twist. Re-Bath of Panama City did not just ignore Mike and Donna, Re-Bath of Panama City filed a law suit in small claims court for the remaining amount due. Problems popped up when Donna did her homework. Mark DuFour, "President/Owner" of Emerald Coast Baths, signed a document that stated he was authorized to represent that company in small claims court. But Mark made a boo-boo, or two, or three. First, it appears that Emerald Coast Baths, DBA Re-Bath of Panama City, did not file for, or secure, a permit to do the work they claimed to do (according to their lawsuit and a subsequent Cease & Desist letter from the Florida Department of Business Regulation, dated December 1, 2014.) Second, the work was not done by a licensed plumber (Bill Horner), according to the same letter from the Florida Department of Business Regulation. Third, the work was not finished (reference same letter). Mark, country folks call that steppin' in it, real bad. Rather than roll over, Donna and Mark fought back. Counter claims, filed with the small claims court on November 28, 2014, included a claim of fraud, breach of contract and failure to provide discounts as promised. Our suggestion would be to find some way to make Re-Bath Corporate a party to the case which would move the case into federal court and force Re-Bath to get involved. We believe Re-Bath Corporate has a responsibility to closely monitor local offices to insure they comply with all required regulations. We are willing to bet there is a contract between Re-Bath Corporate and all local offices that require licensing and permits be lawfully acquired. To read the paperwork, click here (in PDF format). It is 16 pages long. The paperwork includes certificates from the State of Florida that certify there is no evidence that Good grief! What were these people thinking? And how could Re-Bath Corporate not know? Or is it, Re-Bath Corporate just does not care? |
SCAM ALERT Beginning May 26, we have started receiving telephone calls about Dave Fleming and what appears to be his latest con scam, Market Treasury LLC. His wife, Sonia Fiona Fleming, appears to be not only his spouse but his cohort in his new crime scheme. We are sure the parents of Sonia Fiona Fleming are so very proud of the choice she made in marriage across the pond. Can you imagine the annual Christmas letter that Dave Fleming and Sonia send out every year where they announce that they have scammed fifty new victims in the last year? Dave and Sonia - do your kids know what you do for a living? David E. Fleming takes people's money for advertising in his magazine and then often fails to mail out what he has promised. Sounds just like his former Re-Bath business in Colorado Springs where he cheated people until he ran out of money and then ran and hid. It looks like he did not run far. He's back and according to our callers he is taking money and not completing the work. Just like he did at Re-bath. Anyone who has information about this or other scams by Dave Fleming please email us with information. |
Re-Bath Corporate We like to call Re-Bath Corporate in Arizona, "Aimless in Arizona". Re-Bath Corporate in Arizona knows about the bad work being done. Re-Bath Corporate in Arizona knows about the lies being told to customers. Re-Bath Corporate in Arizona knows about the bait-and-switch tactics being used. Re-Bath Corporate in Arizona knows about the monies being diverted. Re-Bath Corporate in Arizona does not care except to shut up critics so Re-Bath Corporate in Arizona can continue to collect the obscene fees and percentages from the local offices. DO NOT USE RE-BATH anywhere.
Consider the number of times you have been really mad about something and wanted to complain. Say, a truck cutting you off on the highway, a product that was
defective, a clerk whose attitude wasn't nice, etc. You tell yourself, this time when I get home, I'm going to complain. But you don't. People rarely complain where
it matters. Many companies take complaints very seriously because one complaint represents at least one hundred people and as many as a thousand people who
didn't take the time and effort to complain. ReBath didn't take us seriously. They blew us off. Our letter to them was as detailed as what we have posted on these pages.
We cited dates, names, emails, etc. All ReBath did was to complain about this page. ReBath never inquired but they did contact some nimrod, half-baked lawyer,
David Rosenblum of David Rosenblum & Associates, P.C., based in some Pennsylvania town called Trevose. They had this lawyer
send us a threatening letter. Bad ReBath. We will never use them again nor do we recommend that you ever use them.
Sending a complaint to Re-Bath is a waste of time.
From what we have seen, Re-Bath's solution to a pest is to buy their silence. We declined their offer of over $4,000 because we knew it would include a demand
that we remove these web pages and agree to never speak ill of them again.
Who is G David Rosenblum?
Why did Re-Bath Corporate hire him to send us a Cease & Desist letter threatening us with legal action over these web pages? And why did the Office For Disciplinary Counsel and the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania disbar G David Rosenblum in September of 2013? Click Here to find out about him and his being sanctioned by the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. |
If Re-Bath Corporate doesn't care how can you expect the local office to care?
As inept, unprofessional, dishonest and disorganized as the Colorado Springs office of Re-Bath was, we find it totally incomprehensible that Re-Bath
Corporate had not received a single complaint about them prior to ours. Re-Bath Corporate had to know how bad the Colorado Springs office was.
Re-Bath Corporate knew because it had received complaints and it did nothing. Re-Bath Corporate did not care except when it came to the monthly
checks coming to them. If the home office does not care, how can anyone reasonably expect the local offices to care?
In our opinion, David E. Fleming, formerly of Re-Bath of Colorado Springs, and his wife Sonia Fleming, are liars and a thieves. We believe his wife Sonia is a willing part of his team. Once you read our chronicle of events of our dealings with him, we think you will agree that the man cannot be trusted. We would not trust him to baby-sit our dead dog. We consider him to be a pathological liar. And from our few dealings with his wife, Sonia, she is no better. |
When we sent a detailed complaint letter to Re-Bath Corporate what we got in return was a poorly written cease and desist letter. As far as we are concerned, Re-Bath Corporate is just as incompetent as ReBath of Colorado Springs and just as responsible for this mess. If Corporate doesn't care about the quality of work done, who will? And, we feel ReBath violated almost all consumer protection laws in any state. Not only were there flagrant bait and switch tactics and rampant failure to perform to contract but we were shown glitzy catalogs from which to select cabinets and such only to be told they install only what is in stock at Lowes. Lies, lies and more lies. All documented below. |
Re-Bath Complaints Galore We have collected as many Re-Bath complaints we could find on the internet. All in one spot for your reading pleasure including our story which in very long and detailed. After you read this we think you will agree with us and say Dave Fleming is a liar and a crook and that Re-Bath Corporate does not care about the customers but rather the money they rake in. We cannot verify the accuracy of these complaints we have gathered. Some were posted on blogs. In some cases responses were posted. Some of the responses came from people claiming to be affiliated with Re-Bath. Their explanations for what happened leave something to be desired. If you read the responses, bear in mind one of the consistent complaints was how much the Re-Bath people lied. We know they lie: we were lied repeatedly to by the owner, the manager, the secretary, the sales rep and the workmen. We therefore do not believe these postings by the Re-Bath representatives. They sound just like the lies we were told. Remember, most people do not take the time to actually complain. These complaints represent many more people who have not written down their problems. Most titles come from the postings. There are over 60 complaints here, some with follow-up comments. Click here to read the complaints. And be sure to read our piece about a Bob Bookman from Apple Valley, Minnesota. Bob Bookman contacted us with an obviously slanted email designed to make Twin Cities Re-Bath appear to be paragons of virtue and dedicated professionals. Except Bob Bookman was lying and is a hot head. Click here to read the emails and our "rude and condescending crackpot" comments. |
And, added July 8, 2010, is an anonymous letter we received from some moron we guessed was living in the Tucson area. Tucson is just down the interstate from Phoenix and Scottsdale where Re-Bath corporate hides. This anonymous letter attacks us for what we say and then dissolves into moronic name-calling and accusations that make no sense. We think it came from a Re-Bath manager. Maybe the owner? Obviously this person is obsessive and it appears to us that he is borderline dangerous. This person seems to spend a lot of time answering the voices in his head. |
Re-Bath Corporate is in the habit of buying off public protestors who speak ill of them. The twenty pieces of silver buys ones retractions and future silence about Re-Bath and how screwed-up they are. We declined their offer. We are trying to get a parts list of Re-Bath products. We have read, and been told, that the mark-up is obscene. A $300 item sells for $4,000? This we want to see for ourselves. |
Welcome To ReBath Sucks Central! |
ReBath In General Sucks! |
Click Here for a list of ReBath Store Locations. We can't say that other offices are as pathetic as ReBath of Colorado Springs and the sites listed in the complaints but we sure do wonder. Based upon the attitude of Re-Bath Corporate, we would expect they all are as incompetent as Re-Bath Colorado Springs. Possibly worse. But we don't know. Use them at your own risk. |